1. Knowledge

Vedas provide three core points to have a successful, complete and a satisfying life. In order to achieve anything, one must have a good knowledge of the subject. Therefore, getting the true knowledge of life of humans and non-humans, what happens after death, right from wrong, true from untrue etc. is most important. Same way knowing who the real God is, what does He do, His attributes and traits, His relationship with living beings etc. is very important. learn More...

2. Karma or Deeds

Second most important point is karma or deeds. After knowing right from wrong, good from bad, true from untrue, one is able to decide which path they ought to take. Of course, both paths right and wrong are available to choose from. There is a good chance by having a correct knowledge, one will choose the righteous path. Knowledge is useless without its proper use. Learn more...

3. Yoga Meditation

Third point is yoga meditation. Original meditation is of Maharishi Patanjali's ashtang yoga. The purpose of the yoga meditation is union of God and soul/atma. Yoga meditation is for all around progress of a person i.e. physical, social and spiritual. Yoga meditation is the key to good health, peacefulness, calmness, blissfulness etc. All learning, experiences in life stay with a person life after life, that is why some children are born with extra ordinary qualities. Learn more...