
Disclaimer: Not responsible for contents. All the suggestions and recommendations are for information only.

These are old Indian wisdom translated from Hindi.

Translated from Old Indian Poetry on Health

  1. Fresh cilantro leaves juice is good for sore eyes.
  2. Drinking warm water is good for constipation.
  3. Sipping 2-3 glasses of water first thing in the morning is better than any medicine.
  4. Drinking cold water is injurious to your health.
  5. Eat only locally grown seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  6. Never drink water immediately after eating sweet fruit.
  7. Drinking lemon water is good for intestines.


Face natural remedies – There is a direct link between face and belly button

Note: A piece of cotton ball lightly dipped in oil may be put on belly button and held with a band aid all day.

  1. For face pimples keep neem oil on the belly button.
  2. For drying-tearing lips use mustard oil on the belly button.
  3. For a shining face use almond oil on the belly button.
  4. For a soft face use ghee (butter oil) on the belly button.
  5. To remove spots on face, use lemon juice on the belly button.
  6. For white spots on the face, use neem oil on the belly button.
  7. For painful menstrual (periods), use brandy on the belly button.

Uses of Mint

  1. Mint aids digestion – After a meal, chew on couple leaves or have boiled water in mint.
  2. Mint tea helps in common colds and sour throats.
  3. Mint helps to detox – just add few leaves to the drinking water
  4. Mint relieves menstrual cramps – sip a hot cup of mint tea during the menstruation.